Friday, October 4, 2019

Urinary Calculi Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Urinary Calculi - Case Study Example An imbalance in an individual’s metabolism is another causative factor of Urinary calculi. The imbalance leads to abnormally high levels of mineral salts agglomerating in the urine. Stones with uric acid composition occur in people having diseases such as gout, chronic dehydration and some cancers (Hesse, 2009). The third causative factor is hyperparathyroidism, a disorder affecting parathyroid glands making it overactive thus resulting to the production of excess parathyroid hormone. Other causative factors are type specific. Calcium stones result when there is too much calcium in the urine (Rao, Preminger & Kavanagh, 2009). Uric acid stones occur whenever there is a high amount of acid in the urine. Diet is also usable in analyzing the composition of a patient’s calculi. Patients taking little amount of water have a high tendency of experiencing dehydration. Dehydration is a causative factor leading urinary calculi. The state leads to dominance of the mineral salts resulting to the condition. An individual’s diet determines the contents of his or her calculi. An excess of calcium in the diet results in calcium

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